A Man Too Good For This World

A Man Too Good For This World

Around 1370 John Huss was born in Bohemia. The exact date of his birth is not known, but for reasons that will become clear when he died is well attested to.

Huss had a strong faith in Christ and spoke out against religious and political corruption. He wrote books to stand against heresies and preached against hypocrisy. For this he was sentenced to die and excommunicated. The religious leaders were determined to keep control of the people around them, and they had little time for Huss’ call to holiness. It wasn’t about holiness to them, but about power.

Huss was put on trial for challenging those in charge. He was convicted of heresy for questioning what they taught. He would receive the death penalty for his stand against corruption.

When his death sentence was announced a riot erupted in Constance where his ‘trial’ was held. Fearing he would escape during the riot guards were sent to his cell. What they found was Huss in prayer and writing a letter to his loved ones. When he completed the letter he asked it be passed along.

The court scribe, Poggius Bracciolini took copious court notes and recorded every detail leading up to Huss’ execution. Bracciolini asked Huss to forgive him and to hold no ill will against him.

Huss would write in his final letter about the suffering he endured, about the temptation to recant his faith, about the dingy prison he found himself in, and about his hope in eternity. He would describe the filthy cell he was placed in, the horrible odors, his illnesses from his horrid punishment, and how his teeth fell out from malnutrition.

He would continue, “My writings were burnt, although not a word of them had been understood… I hope that my work will be sealed with the roasting of my flesh. Don’t avenge my death, remain peaceful. I would cry for you, but a servant of God, whose honor shall be mine, must desert, for Him, and for the sake of Christ, his wife, child, brother, sister, home, possessions, and all that is dear to him.”

He would conclude his letter stating, “Written at Constance, during my last night, on the 5th day of July 1415, on which day I was just 42 years old… John Huss.”

As he was led to his execution he sang and prayed. He was tied to a stake and then the pillar was set on fire. Bracciolini would later recount two things of note, first that Huss died quickly “before a flame touched him,” and most profoundly the scribe would concur, “Verily, I say unto you, he was just too good for this world.”

What an epitaph! In a world where many seek their own way, here was a man who died for what he believed in, and just as importantly lived for what he believed in. May we seek such a faith and a standard of living and impact in our own spiritual journey.