A Retired, Single RV’er Travels

A Retired, Single RV’er Travels

For some 30 years I practiced law in Mesa, Arizona. (Please don’t hold that against me. I really wasn’t a very good lawyer.) When I was about to turn 62 years old and collect social security I decided to quit my practice and go camping. I already owned a Coleman tent-camper and a small pick-up. My marriage had gone to hell and I had a bad case of the woe-is-mes. I decided that a few days or months on the road would be a treat.

I loved it immediately. I spent weeks and months in campgrounds around the Southwest. I fished in dozens of lakes and met dozens of people, most of whom were far finer persons than

those I had associated with in my practice. I enjoyed them all but found that most were either married or seriously mated. I was still in a couples society. I was not really a part of any social group. I missed sitting around the fire and telling lies to people with my own lifestyle. I loved the RVing lifestyle but missed a closer social life. Then I discovered Loners on Wheels, Inc.

I don’t know where I first heard about the Loners on Wheels (LoWs) but somehow I was invited to a camp-out sponsored by the Tucson chapter. I loved it! Here were a bunch of campers, just

like me, having the time of their lives. Card games every night. Happy hour each evening. Coffee together each morning. Hikes and fishing and doing nothing. It was great! I joined


A few words about the LoWs. This is a club composed of thousands of single campers. It has chapters in every state and most of the provinces of Canada. To be a LoW, one must be legally single and have a desire to socialize and camp with other singles. It is not a dating service. If your sole purpose is to find a mate, you can do much better with Parents Without Partners or any one of a number of like organizations. The 3,000 or so members of this club plan camp-outs at least once a month. We band together simply because we are not comfortable with the couples only society from which we all came. In this club we can enjoy wonderful social activities and

yet retain our happy single lifestyle.

Many of us LoWs are retired. The RVing lifestyle was made for us. Most of my family are working their hearts out trying to get to the point where I now am! We still have loving family and friends “back home” but they simply don’t have the time to give us the love and affection we find in this club.

Come join me!!