A Secret Powerful Way to Attract a Beautiful Girl in Any Situation

A Secret Powerful Way to Attract a Beautiful Girl in Any Situation

Having had lots of success with beautiful girls in recent years, I’m in a position to offer some sage advice to men who really want the best secrets to attracting women. Is this you?

In this article, you’re going to learn one of the best ways to attract women, including beautiful girls.

If you don’t know why attracting women is important, then you obviously don’t realize that it is next to impossible to kiss a girl unless she is attracted to you, much less sleep with her.

So attraction should be your number focus when first interacting with women you want to get sexually intimate with.

So what is this secret way of attraction?

Simply, it’s called playful teasing. You literally make fun of a girl. Do this in a playful and lighthearted way, and women, rather than walk away from you or hurl insults at you, laugh and giggle like silly little girls…

Teasing is insanely effective at attracting women because it says something about your personality that is very attractive to women. By the way, if you didn’t know that women are attracted to a man’s personality, or character, and nothing else, then now you know the truth…

Ultimately, teasing shows a woman you are attractive, so it’s isn’t actually the content of what you’re teasing her about that matters, it’s simply the fact that you are teasing her that matters. Most men never tease women they find attractive in case they blow it with her, but ironically, by NOT teasing, they always blow it. Don’t make this mistake. Tease the women you want and they’ll fall for you.