Advanced Web Design Tips

Advanced Web Design Tips

Incremental Loading

When using a website, the user doesn’t mind waiting for about thirty seconds for a page to get loaded provided helpful data begins to appear. While the balance of the page may continue getting loaded, the user of the website could start reading some piece of writing or move to another page.

What matters the most in case of incremental loading is the fact that the site navigation must load as well as display in the shortest possible time. This comprises of navigation bars along with the most frequently links that the page contains. That makes it important to restrict the navigational links to a sensible number, and load them soon after appearing in the opening of files. Do consider using style sheets for indicating the layout and position. When doing this, you can write an advanced navigation like an “unordered list” (with the ul plus li tags in HTML) close to the top of the file to allow it to load first, while positioning the navigation somewhere on that page.

The latest browsers can reformat the webpage very quickly and load the same incrementally, though it may not be possible with certain layouts. The composite display of nested tables having varying widths is difficult to achieve, till the browser views the complete table. The reason is the size of every column is decided by the rest. In case the size of table is adjusted while page is getting loaded, it results to a dancing of the layout, which can annoy the user. So, make use of div elements by way of style sheets rather than tables for making the layout.

To ensure the incremental loading of data tables, you need informing the browser how many columns are there along with the width of every column. You can do that on making use of the col and colgroup elements.

Files in JavaScript become effective on appearing the page. Therefore, these are usually read and implemented before allowing the page to get loaded. You can prevent it by delaying the loading of JavaScript, using the defer feature.


Framesets come into play if you want to divide the browser window to different sections for displaying different pages. They make an easy option for putting the navigation menu on each page of your site without modifying key pages and reducing the bandwidth.

However, the use of framesets leads to some problems. These cause the reduction of space available on the pages, and make it difficult, almost impossible for clients to link straightway or bookmark any specified page inside the frameset. Moreover, they often stop the back button of the browser from operating as per expectations. For these reasons, it is best not to use framesets.

You can layout pages like the ones prepared by framesets by making use of nested styled div elements. By minimizing the size of the page and storing style info on a different file, the size of additional bandwidth while reloading the navigation of a page is not significant.