Agavi Framework – An Overview

Agavi Framework – An Overview

Websites catch the attention of any online business. To become a strong competitor in the growing global trends, compelling website is a significant feature. This development is not an easy task and moreover it’s a time consuming process. To reduce this complexity, frameworks were introduced in the field of web application development.

Today, framework plays a crucial role in any web development company. Companies choose between the best frameworks to develop their application. Frameworks are used to enhance the project development and it also facilitates scalability. It supports with long-term maintenance satisfying the development standards and keep your code well-organized. This develops amazing and useful web applications from web development companies.

PHP is a big community of developers, there are lots of frameworks developed for this community. Agavi is such a PHP framework that is powerful and scalable. It is a PHP 5 based application framework that helps to write cleaner and maintainable code.

Here is an overview of this framework

Agavi is a PHP 5 web application framework that is built around MVC model architecture. It is a combination of rich toolset that solves most of the issues in routine development. It focuses on satisfying the developers with extensive control over their code. It is not a complete solution for the application development, but it creates a skeleton for the application construction. This framework provides a flexible environment for its developers because it’s designed in an XML- based configuration system.

MVC (Model-View-Controller)

As quoted before, this framework implements the MVC design in its application development process. Developers should understand the concept of MVC (Model -View – Controller) model for better understanding. MVC is a combination of three parts that includes model, view and controller. Each has a different function, Model has the application logic. The Controller will identify the user request and directs model. Views inquest model and sends output to the user interface.

While in this framework, Model is a class in PHP. Dozens of models represent the various areas of your application development. The Controller is an action in this framework, it is similar to a class in PHP.

Controllers are called at the appropriate time in it. Actions corresponds to views and view performs the application output.

Why Agavi?

It is a good option by Web development companies because it’s neat coding facilities. Certain benefits that tempts us to choose this framework as our development platform.

  • Repeated coding can be avoided, because it has an inbuilt core library. This makes coding easy as well as lighter compared to the traditional PHP coding.
  • Each application has lots of states to be maintained, it allows the developers’ to maintain complete state of the application.
  • Web application is incomplete without a database, this framework supports most of the databases.
  • Form handling is an important feature in this framework. It helps in editing the forms and reduces the chance of errors which makes debugging easier.
  • It takes a lot of time to write functions in Ajax and XML but with Agavi, it is made easier.
  • It has some of the best built-in tools to make your work easier and secured.
  • This framework does most of the things automatically, including debugging and dynamic loading.


Agavi is a suitable framework for most of the web development companies because it makes the developer’s task easier and secured with the ability to implement new customized features. Its MVC architecture will benefit you with testable, dependable and extensible code. This architectural style will also benefit you with less hacking at all levels. This framework works for all kinds of applications, but specifically excels in long-term projects, large code bases and also in cases of integration. It helps to build your project within the appropriate budget and time schedules.