Alpha Male – 3 Proven Ways to Become an Alpha Male (Without Being a Jerk)

Alpha Male – 3 Proven Ways to Become an Alpha Male (Without Being a Jerk)

I’m sure most of you are familiar with “that guy”. This is the guy that is balding, a bit overweight, and has no fashion sense whatsoever. However, women flock to him for some reason and you can’t help but wonder why. What these guys don’t realize is that, central to his success with women, is confidence…this guy is an alpha male. Read on to learn 3 tips that will increase your confidence with women and help you become an alpha male.

Alpha Male How To Tip #1 – Don’t Show Insecurity

The first step towards becoming an alpha male is to act the part. Alpha males are aware of their self worth and project that attitude. Watch for these signs that might project you as coming off as inferior:

  • You slouch or don’t stand up straight.
  • You constantly fidget.
  • You appear nervous.
  • You keep your hands in your pockets.
  • You don’t take command of your personal space.
  • You keep your arms crossed.

On the other hand, an alpha male displays these common characteristics:

  • You look comfortable, lean back and own your personal space.
  • You make direct eye contact.
  • You breathe from your stomach and not your chest.

Become an Alpha Male Tip #2: Think and Act Positively

Look within yourself to get to the source of your lack of self esteem. A good way to do this is to identify your weak and strong points and write them down. This helps you to figure out your sticking points and what may be inhibiting you. You should also make daily reminders to yourself about your strong points, talents and accomplishments. After assessing your personal feelings, you should work on your body language. Whenever your in a social situation, you should remain calm and relaxed just as the alpha male does. Regularly envision yourself in this state. A great way to do this is to take about ten minutes before bed every night to visualize yourself as being calm, cool and relaxed in a social situation such as a bar or club.

How to Become an Alpha Male Tip #3: Have Fun

Don’t be fidgety and nervous when interacting with women. This is a sure sign of a man that lacks confidence. Don’t stress so much about what a woman is thinking or doing as this type of behavior can easily turn her off. On the other hand, men with confidence are the complete opposite. They relax and enjoy the ride, rather than worry so much about the outcome of the event or date. Alpha males don’t place much importance on what others think about them or whether or not the woman approves of them. This results in them coming off as calm and collected, which is a major turn on for women.

One of the key secrets to attracting women is to display an alpha male attitude. Through powerful body language and confidence you will command respect. To have an amazing sex life you don’t need wealth or fame, you just need to know that your worth it.