American Beer – All You Need to Know About Patrick Henry Beer!

American Beer – All You Need to Know About Patrick Henry Beer!

Patrick Henry was a very prominent figure in the American Revolution. In his time, English beer was the most famous and very few colonies like New Amsterdam started to rely on the local breweries instead of the English breweries so as to increase revenue. This started the boycott movement against the English breweries and many founding fathers of America started to encourage home brewing. William Penn, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, James Madison and even George Washington were established home brewers and they encouraged the legislation to promote the American Brewing Industry. Among these was Henry.

The Patrick Henry tavern was among the most famous beer taverns in America. The beer manufactured in Henry’s brew house was made from the top fermenting yeasts. The beer manufactured in the home breweries in America used to be strong and Henry’s recipes used to be a sensation among beers. Many Patrick Henry’s beer bottles are being collected in many prominent beer clubs like the Brewery Collections Club of America. America, which used to be a country in which ale was drunk, was transformed into a country that preferred beer and malt after the revolution. This transformation was brought about by the introduction of top fermenting yeasts and bottom fermenting yeasts by the English and Germans respectively.

Patrick Henry beer was always made using top fermenting yeasts and almost all the bottles of the beer that have survived can be found with the tag “A beer with an ale base”. The fox deluxe brewing company reproduced the beer for about a decade until they were closed in 1951. Later on in 1982, the interest of beer again started to spread through America and Grant’s Brewery Pub was opened, which revived the early American breweries. They also manufactured some of the recipes that were available from Patrick Henry’s tavern and from then on, the Brewery industry in America has seen a continuous growth. The brewpub has been replicating these sensational recipes. Famed recipes like Patrick Henry’s Malt Liquor and the famed beer with the Ale Base are also being manufactured and have an all time high popularity.