Ancient Egyptian Baby Names

Ancient Egyptian Baby Names

The ancient Egyptian names provide a clue on culture and society on the ancient period of Egypt. The names are evident on the hieroglyphics. The hieroglyphics are drawings or carvings on the wall to convey a message, story, and history. With the knowledge of the names, we can trace the period when the names exist.

The king may have many names which add to the confusion. Additionally, the king may change his name. The king changes his name when he takes or adapts a throne. Also, Egypt is mainly divided into two parts which is Upper, and Lower Egypt. The Upper Egypt may call the name of the king differently from the Lower Egypt.

By the 2510 BC, the king names consist of five parts in hieroglyphics. The five parts are Horus, Hebty, Golden Horus, Prenomen, and Nomen name. However, the all the parts do not necessarily be in the name. The Horus name is the Horus title in column format. It is in the boxed figured which represents the palace. The Nebty name says that the king is protected by two goddesses (Nekhbet the vulture goddess of Upper Egypt and Wadjyt the cobra goddess of Lower Egypt). The Golden Horus name says about the personality or divine nature of the king. The Prenomen is the throne name. The throne name tells where he rules. For example, the king may rule the Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Lastly, the Nomen name is the birth name such as Ramses, Amenhotep, or so. Egyptologists adds Roman numerals to distinguish the king names with the same name such as Ramses I, Ramses II, and Ramses III. This usually happens when the king wants to name the son the same as his name.

The simple names consist of nouns and adjectives. For example, Neferet, and Cairo are baby names meaning beautiful woman, and Egypt capital city respectively.

To denote female baby names, the ET or IT identifier is added on the middle or end of the name. For example, Neferet is a female baby name which means beautiful woman. Nefer means beautiful. Adding the ET at the end, we get Neferet. Hence, the name means beautiful woman. Another example, the Pasheri is a male baby name. The female version is Pasherit. Most of the time, the Egyptian name can be applied for female or male.

Many Egyptian baby names include the name of the God. Egyptians combine the qualities and the name of the God. A few of the God names are Ah, Amen, Aten, Re (Ra), and Thot (Thut). For example, Rahotep, Thutmose, Ahmose, and Ramesses include the God in the name. Hotep means peace. Thus, the Rahotep means peace of God. Mos or Mes means child. Thus, the Thutmose, Ahmose, and Ramesses mean child of God.

The nickname represents the short version or description of the name. For example, Maat means stability, Ankh means life, Nefer means beautiful, Mut means mother, Tut means image, and Heb means feast.

In the ancient times, the Egyptians think that the names are vital to live. As the babies are born, the babies have not established their existence. The baby is still living in the dark. So, they must name the baby as soon as possible. The use of hieroglyphics and names are common in ancient times of Egypt. Egyptians assumes that the mention of the name in the hieroglyphics is enough. And, Egyptians do not need a lot of explanation. Perhaps, it is hard to express and carve the emotions and feelings of one self to the walls.