Animal Euthanasia

Animal Euthanasia

When an animal is suffering from a painful, incurable disease or condition, it may be necessary to put it to sleep. This is called euthanasia and is designed to cause minimal pain and distress.

There are various ways to euthanize an animal. An intravenous injection of pentobarbital or sodium thiopental will cause unconsciousness, respiratory and cardiac arrest within 30 seconds. The dosage depends on the size of the animal.

Stray animals are sometimes put to sleep by anoxia which is putting the animal in a chamber and evacuating the air. Small animals sometimes are put in a chamber and high levels of gas anesthetics are pumped in.

Cervical dislocation or snapping of the neck is a simple method causing instant death. Intercardiac injection or injecting pentobarbital directly into the heart is only preformed on an unconscious or deeply sedated animal. It can take up to fifteen minutes for it to work.

For large animals, shooting it with a gun is very effective. Shooting a horse in the forehead will cause instant death. Livestock such as cattle will be stunned by a bullet but other methods will have to be used to kill it.

Why euthanize an animal? Rabies, terminal illness, illness or broken limbs, old age, behavioral problems and too many homeless are the most common reasons. Animal shelters and veterinarians usually perform the procedure. Many animals’ remains are cremated or buried. Some are sent to meat rendering facilities to be used in cosmetics, fertilizer, pet food and pharmaceuticals.

Animals are sometimes euthanized at home to reduce animal stress, grieve in privacy and reduce the cost of the procedure. The downside is the animal is not given a final examination by a veterinarian to confirm the procedure is required. Complications may occur which may cause the animal undo stress or pain. If using a drug and the proper dose is not administered, the animal may suffer needlessly.