Antidepressants Fail – Government Study Reveals

Antidepressants Fail – Government Study Reveals

The most frequently prescribed pharmaceutical drug is antidepressants. Did you know thirty-five million dollars of your taxes was spent to fund the largest trial of its kind on antidepressants? March 23, 2006, The Washington Post reported the results of this study. “…antidepressants fail to cure the symptoms of major depression in half of all patients, even if they received the best possible care.”

Furthermore, “…a significant number of patients continue to experience symptoms such as sadness, low energy, and hopelessness after intensive treatment, even as about an equal number report an end to such problems–a result that quickly lent itself to interpretations that the glass was neither half empty or half full.”

Government statistics reveal, depression affects fifteen million Americans each year. One hundred eighty-nine million prescriptions of antidepressants were written last year, and the disease costs eighty-three billion dollars annually because of treatment costs, lost productivity, absenteeism and suicide.

This information begs the question–If antidepressants yield these dismal results, why then do physicians, psychiatrists, pharmaceutical companies continue to tout the virtues of antidepressants as a miracle in the form of a pill?

The answer is simple. Antidepressants are easy to produce and can be sold at high prices. Antidepressants are a cash cow and people who have come to believe that a ‘quick fix’ is possible vis-à-vis the commercial and media blitz marketing are easy and plentiful prey.

There is hope. The American Health Magazine reported these findings from a comparison study.

o Psychoanalysis: Creates a 38% recovery after 600 sessions

o Behavior Therapy: Creates a 72% recovery after 22 sessions

o Hypnosis: Creates a 93% recovery after 6 sessions

This study confirms–Hypnosis is more effective and works more quickly than traditional talk-therapy or psychoanalysis. In a hypnotic state, you are more receptive to new ideas and you can more effectively process the emotions linked to the experiences, which created pain, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, humiliation and low self-esteem.

Hypnosis is a dynamic and vital healing process embracing all aspects health care. Hypnosis is client-centered with its focus on the discovery of the origin of a person’s issues. Through the process of hypnosis/regression the unconscious mind goes to the original cause, which then gives the person and practitioner the opportunity to process the original feelings surrounding the original experience/cause. These surrounding feelings can be healed, thus empowering the person to live the life they want to live.

Through Hypnosis you connect with your subconscious mind, which puts YOU in control of your subconscious mind–the most powerful and empowering aspect of your brain.