Appearance Is Often Deceptive and Misleading

Appearance Is Often Deceptive and Misleading

All that glitters is not gold, the old adage goes. Most of us have heard of this proverb before and even used it in our essays back in school. Things may appear very beautiful or good-looking. Yet, when they are observed from a close range, they prove to be exactly the opposite. What may be easy on the eyes may just be a serpent in disguise. At times, even the wisest men fall prey to such deceptions.

It is true that we tend to make judgments and decisions based on external appearances. Sadly, many people hide their imperfections behind evil masks, covering their real looks, in order to gain acceptance in the society. It is truly sad to see how they craft their own lies and we tend to take their word for it.

What a person looks like doesn’t define the person he is. The vast majority of men and women prefer love partners who have nothing honorable to offer apart from their outward beauty. External appearance is subject to depreciation, but a great personality lasts forever. Life is too short to waste your precious time and resources on someone who just doesn’t have anything valuable to offer aside from their physical looks. Some of the people we consider most unattractive can be truly beautiful when viewed from a different angle.

Simplicity and humility can be deceptive as well. One may pretend to be kind and compassionate though one may not. Going to church doesn’t make one a saint. Wearing a long robe does not turn one into a monk; he may be a devil masquerading as an angel of light, or a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Some people are polite, loving, friendly, and generous, until you try to get to know their true personality. In reality, they are not even close to having such character. One should always attempt to ascertain the true nature of a person or thing before jumping into conclusions. We should always try to figure out the truth hidden behind their sparkling faces.

We should not judge people by just looking at their physical attributes. Often, what we see is not the reality. Someone may smile at you, but it doesn’t mean they are happy. Many rings are made of substandard metals and coated with gold to hide their defects. Gold cannot be gold unless the whole object is made of gold.

Remember, looks can be deceptive, and judgment based on looks can be very dangerous.