Application Security Testing Basics

Application Security Testing Basics

A company with many customers and a sustained increase in revenue are one thing, but a company with a good customer base and retention rate with poor security is prone to disaster. One clever hacker can ruin a company by stealing user information, breaking into bank accounts, or sabotaging servers. Without proper protection, customers’ personal information is held at significant risk and therefore, so is a business. Exposure of confidential information can lead to lawsuits, and lawsuits are never good for a company. Fortunately, there are many ways to protect the company servers from malicious hackers.

Most companies install a basic firewall and security software on their servers. Low-cost hosts provide the most elementary security solutions that are only intended for small businesses. One thing that people do not know is how the largest target of hacker attacks is small businesses. Using ecommerce merchant software hacking tools, hackers can break through a server and search for sensitive client banking information. Not only would a security risk put clients in a bad situation, but it ruins the credibility of the business in question after a successful attack is made.

The only sure-fire way of making sure that a company website is totally secure is to hire a team of security professionals to hand-test the vulnerabilities in a system. These professionals use a variety of methods of ethical hacking through a server, using penetration testing to search for vulnerabilities and weaknesses in code and software. When they finish, they will give a list of security risks and ways to patch them up.

How Does It Work?

The security experts act like “hackers,” using both common and uncommon methods to compromise a business’ server security. This helps give e-businesses a better idea of where their security systems or servers need improvement before going live. Maintenance announcements on a site will be posted during testing hours, as clients could experience slower service during the “hack” attacks. This service often includes a source code review. Seeing that a business is constantly working to maintain their servers will also give clients the feeling that the business is professional, and cares for the operational status of their servers.

Hiring security professionals is more cost effective than losing clients’ personal information. Avoiding potential lawsuits is almost always worth the cost, especially when dealing with customer security, which has an appreciable effect on customer retention. If customers feel that a website is safe and that their information is secure, they tend to return to that business for more products and services.