Appreciation of Dermot P Morris

Appreciation of Dermot P Morris

Dermot P. Morris

It was August when I was born and I am truly grateful to Dermot P. Morris for his part in my incarnation this time around!

I appreciate his clarity when he was aged 10 or so, that he would like to marry my mother. I appreciate his keen discernment of the character and beauty (inner and outer) of the woman that he would share his life with.

I appreciate him allowing his own experience of learning and failure to fuel him to make changes in the education system and understand that we all have our own path and place in the world.

I appreciate that when we were born he welcomed us as citizens of the world. I appreciate that family was and is so important to him and that he used to love Fridays because it meant that he would have more time to spend with us.

I appreciate that my dad always had an eye to the future and a clear intention to create an historical record of my life and those around so that we could feel rooted.

I appreciate his commitment to capturing on film all major and minor events in spite of protests and his huge library of beautiful photos that will be there for future generations.

I appreciate him doing work he loved and his trust in his own wisdom to bend rules when that is what the situation really called for.

I appreciate his financial planning so that I could go to college again and again and again! I appreciate his clarity that his job was to help us to fly and I appreciate his encouragement to pursue whatever was important to us.

I appreciate his guidance that led me to study abroad. I appreciate his long vision of life and his awareness that we don’t have to walk the same route as the crowd to reach our destination

My Dad

I appreciate him cooking breakfast and making tomato sandwiches. I appreciate his healthy debate and insight into what is happening in the world that freed me to make up my own mind.

I appreciate his compassion and generosity to me and the droves of callers and visitors that have sought his advice over the years. I appreciate him using his position in ways that helped others. I appreciate his respect for authority while always listening to his own inner authority to guide him.

I appreciate his commitment to community and empowering young people to be leaders of their own lives.

I appreciate his sense of humour and ability to laugh at just about everything including himself. I appreciate his enjoyment of life. I appreciate his love of gardening and walking and his awareness that connecting with nature helps us navigate through life.

I appreciate his ability to have an enlightening discussion on any topic. I appreciate his insight into politics and his strong grounding in history. I appreciate his availability. I appreciate our many chats. I appreciate our special connection.

I appreciate his contribution to education and desire and commitment to the vision that all children would have access to education.

I appreciate him holding the space for me when I was fragile at different points in my life. I appreciate him telling me ‘Its not over yet Dee’ and making room for me to hope when I was having my second miscarriage. It filled my heart with joy in the midst of loss.

I appreciate his understanding of the importance of boundaries in family life and how children need to move from the nest. I appreciate him trusting that children will find their way when given a chance. I appreciate him saying no when that is what was called for and his clarity that each family needs its own sacred space.

I appreciate his joy at being a grandfather. I appreciate him taking over the kitchen when my twins were born and cooking delicious meals for us while we were settling into our new rhythm. I appreciate his powerful intention to be part of their lives in spite of the physical distance. I appreciate the lovely relationship he has with my girls.

I appreciate his positivity and optimism and his courage to stand up for what he believes in. I appreciate that we have many more adventures ahead.

I am very grateful that Dermot P. Morris is my daddy!