Are Cigarettes Bad For Dry Mouth?

Are Cigarettes Bad For Dry Mouth?

You know that cigarettes are not part of an overall healthy lifestyle. No one is going to debate that. But are cigarettes bad for dry mouth? And, more importantly, what can be done about it?

Cigarettes And Dry Mouth Symptoms

Cigarettes can definitely cause the symptoms of dry mouth either on their own or in conjunction with other factors. The fact that smoking involves all that inhaling and exhaling through the mouth contributes to dry mouth as do the many chemicals that are present in the cigarette smoke. It can be easy to think about it like the smoke you would breath in if you were in a fire. That smoke inhalation often leads to dehydration and the same goes for cigarette smoke.

But that’s not all. People who smoke often begin to mistake physical signals for the need to smoke. They may be hungry or thirsty but instead of realizing this they may just turn to cigarettes because they have lost the ability to tell the difference between hunger or thirst and the desire to smoke. Clearly, this could lead to dehydration and dryness of mouth.

What Can You Do About It?

If it is the smoking and the mouth breathing and the mistaken physical signals that are all joining up to cause dry mouth symptoms then you want to eliminate all these factors. If you want to improve or possibly even get rid of your dry mouth symptoms then you have to get rid of the cause. You have to stop smoking.

Proper dental hygiene is always important for a healthy mouth in all respects. Regular brushing and flossing is a must. Also, there are some natural products that can help to kill bacteria and help to round out your comprehensive dental care practices.

The keys to success in the battle against gum disease and most oral problems are hidden in nature. Fighting the bacteria that causes the problem is the first place to start and specific species of peppermint and spearmint oils are scientifically proven to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial. Get your mouth in mint condition today!