Argentina Tours

Argentina Tours

Argentina’s stunning and diverse natural environment of lush forests, astonishing wildlife and mountain and glacier landscapes offers tourists an outstanding chance to take part in a enormous variety of activities. Adventures flourish in the breathtaking high Andes and the placidly beautiful lake area. Thrills can also be experienced from the most exhilarating kayaking to fishing and sailing adventures. Hot air ballooning is also a popular sporting activity with tourists. Argentina presents a vast variety of outdoor activities to experience and enjoy.

Since Argentina is a large country with different geographical areas, it has much to offer tourists. Buenos Aires and its province, is located in the Pampas region. It is Argentina’s breathtaking huge flat agricultural heartland. Generally, tourists who travel to Argentina base their tour operations from Buenos Aires. From here, visitors travel through the Northeast provinces to the Iguazu Falls. It is an area made up of wet lowland forests. Tourists then travel upland to the savannahs continuing into the Chaco.

The Andean Northwest and Cuyo offer visitors a rare view of Andean peaks, high puna (cold savannah) and salares (salt lakes) with a wide variety of climates. The climates range from chilly and parched to subtropical.

After Buenos Aires, the most popular destination for tourists is Patagonia. This region is again subdivided into three key zones: the Southern Lakes District, the Central Provinces and Southern

Patagonia with Tierra del Fuego and its major city, Ushuaia. It is the entry to the Strait of Magellan, Cabo de Hornos and Antarctica. Each state offers varied tours, which can be merged into a complete Argentinean experience.

One of the most appealing regions in the country because of its diversity of colors and its landscape is the Northwest region. Different people have colonized it in the past. This is evident from their influence in a number of archaeological sites.