Average Flaccid Size Can Be Made Bigger

Average Flaccid Size Can Be Made Bigger

My non erect size was affecting my confidence, although I knew my full length was about average. This was because whenever I got changed at the gym, other men believed I was tiny and I felt tiny. Also, after sex, I would cover myself up because I didn’t want my partner looking at my penis thinking “where did it go”.

I didn’t have a bulge in my trousers and I felt girls were laughing at me behind my back. This did little for my confidence and made me feel paranoid.

I started to investigate ways of changing my non hard state and looked into surgery; however horror stories deterred me from choosing that option. I also tried the famous penis pump and although my erections were certainly harder my non aroused size remained the same.

I started to read up on penis enlargement pills because I noticed many of these tablets claimed that non hard size would be increased as like a side effect. I decided to take some tablets on the basis I could claim my money back with no questions asked, had the capsules did not work and if I return the bottles within 60 days.

The average flaccid length would be increased by the herbs in these pills was the claim. I looked into the ingredients and what these herbs were supposed to do. The main ingredients are epimdeium leaf extract, asian red ginseng and ginkgo biloba leaf.

I found that average flaccid volume would increase by taking epimedium leaf extract because this ingredient affects the body like Viagra. What this leaf does is increase blood volume to the penis and traps the blood in the genital region. An erection is caused by having more blood in the penis and although with this plant you would have constant erections you will have a constantly swelled flaccid state.

I found that average flaccid volume would increase taking ginkgo biloba leaf. Although this herb is essentially for people with impotence it does help to make your non erect size much bigger. Medical studies have all agreed this plant strengthens vessel walls and increase the flow of red fluid to the genitals.

I found that average flaccid volume would increase by taking asian red ginseng. This root has been used in China for thousands of years as an aphrodisiac. The root alters red fluid flow to the brain and the genitals causing high stimulation.

I have taken these penis enlargement pills for two months now and my non erect size is 4.5 inches which I am happy with. Try these tablets you won’t regret it. If nothing happens (which I sure won’t happen) claim your money back.