Basic Human Needs – What You Can Do to Make Sure People Around the World Get Theirs

Basic Human Needs – What You Can Do to Make Sure People Around the World Get Theirs

Each of us wants to have an abundant life. Though we may have different needs depending on our circumstances, ambitions and life events. As a human being, we all have the same needs. If we know and understand each other’s needs, it is really helpful to take charge of our emotions and live a remarkable life.

1. Assurance-Being There!

Every human being finds ways to be happy. Sometimes, it is based on how others treat him. That is why he keeps looking for ways where he can avoid pain. People, relations and social circles affect the need of ‘certainty’. A person wants assurance from his loved ones in countless ways. The most important one is ‘being there’ for him. If it does not happen, pain becomes inevitable.

2. Change-New Stimuli!

The need for the unknown may be overlooked but it is there. You may have heard people saying that I am comfortable in this job, relationship or city etc. but at times, he also requires change. The change acts a new stimuli. It may be a positive one or a not so favorable one. Change is inevitable. Those who accept it, live life with more hope and positivity, those who don’t rather limit their happiness.

3. Uniqueness-Accepting Differences!

It is the most basic human need after food, clothing and shelter. Acceptance is more of a soul’s need rather than of a body. Your body does not want other than the basic ones to survive but your soul always does. Every individual is unique and he wants acceptance and admiration for the same. Feeling important is the most amazing gift anyone ever can get. Together, we can make a difference by appreciating each other’s uniqueness.

4. Bonding-Developing Connection!

Human is a social animal and it is hard to stay alone for a longer period. He wants to develop a connection of love with other human being. Be it mother-child love, siblings’ bonding or spouse connection, love is the ground everywhere. That is why, any relation can be stronger than others if love is there. At the end of the day, you want somebody who is yours and share a special bond with him like no other.

5. Growth-Expanding Horizon!

Believe it or not, growth is something everyone looks for. Every individual has a unique personality and caliber. While growing, he also wants expansion of his capabilities. Humans devote their entire life in growing financially, morally, socially and spiritually. Growth is the driving force behind any big success. It is the seed that motivates you to see the final plant blooming. That is why, people take big steps in pursuit of achieving growth.

6. Contribution-Holding Hands!

At the end of the day, what are we going to leave for this world! This important question strikes in every mind sooner or later. A sense of service lies within and we try to find ways to satiate that hunger. There is not a single strategy or process to do this. Focusing on helping other human beings is one surest way to fulfill this need. Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you have, you can do something for others. Think about it!