Basketball Backboards – Why They Matter

Basketball Backboards – Why They Matter

Many people see the basketball net as the most important piece of a basketball system. After all, isn’t that where all the points are scored? But basketball backboards are one of the most important pieces of a quality basketball system. They assist with shooting, scoring, and rebounding.

The backboard doesn’t just hold the goal in place. A backboard assists in getting the ball into the net. Virtually all backboards come with a shooter square. This is the outline right above the goal. Sometimes it is in white, sometimes in orange. This gives the players something to aim for when setting up a shot.

Though veteran and well practiced players don’t use the shooter’s square as much, it is essential to those who are learning the game or just playing for fun. When practicing, players aim for the center of the shooter’s square. This will give them the feel of how hard to shoot and how to achieve the much longer arc for “swoosh”. The shooter’s square is essential for perfecting your shots.

Backboards are also the central figure in rebounding. Without the backboard, rebounding would not be possible. This is where varying sizes of backboards come in. Regulation size is 72″ x 42″. This size gives you the maximum area for rebounds. Smaller backboards still give you great rebound practice as well.

Backboards come in a variety of materials and each has there own benefits. Competition style backboards as well as NCAA and NBA regulation backboards are crafted from glass. Typically the glass is tempered and thick enough to withstand intense play. Glass backboards are perfect for competition style play since they give the ultimate ball response.

Backboards also come in acrylic. Acrylic backboards are used more for home basketball systems. If you want a portable system for your yard or a wall mounted for the side of your house, acrylic is a good choice. Acrylic gives the look and feel of glass but is more economical.

Steel backboards are good for outdoor use at a community center or park. They are vandal resistant making them a good choice for basketball systems that won’t be locked up at the end of the day. They are sturdy and durable.

Aluminum and fiberglass backboards are affordable choices. They do not give the highest level ball response but they are a good choice for recreational use. They are both rust- resistant making them a good choice for outdoor use. Fiberglass will give you the look of a glass backboard and will mimic glass rebounds on a more basic level.

To protect your backboard, you can add backboard padding. This padding protects the player and the backboard. Most padding comes in a variety of colors. This makes it easy to pick your favorite color or match your team colors.

Choosing a backboard is an important decision when it comes to your basketball hoops, goals and overall system. Backboards help you shoot, score, and rebound making some of the most important plays of a game.