Be Willing to Walk Away and You May Get a Commitment

Be Willing to Walk Away and You May Get a Commitment

A woman who sits around and waits for a man will not earn his respect. If a man feels as though you are waiting for him to change, trying to please him, changing how you are just to get him to like you more, he’ll will be subconsciously turned off from you.

Many women struggle with their self image and do not realize that it is having a confident and centered personality that increases a man’s interest and earn his respect.

Do not wait around for a man or have him thinking that you’ll hang on just to get him to spend time with you. You will not get a commitment by trying to barter with him.

You have to have the sort of edge that cause him to think that he will lose if he doesn’t make a decision about you. You have to be the sort of bombshell that he’ll have regrets for if he is not smart enough to want to be around you.

Start by having a classy act about you. Forget about taking everything personally and instead treat yourself with high class respect and do what is right for you. For example…if he’s been late for your date once, no big deal. If he has a habit of being late, you’ve trained him the wrong way. He’s taking you for granted, he feels as though he can get away with it.

But if you’re willing to MAKE your own plans without him while not having a chip on your shoulder about what he’s doing, he’ll get the message that you value yourself and your time and won’t sit around waiting for him to get his act together. This usually earns a man’s respect because he’ll see you as a person who’s willing to walk away from him and the act of “walking” triggers the “want what I can’t have” switch in men.