Beating Depression Without Antidepressants

Beating Depression Without Antidepressants

There are many different ways you can beat your depression without harmful antidepressant medications. The first step is to know yourself and your problems. You should be doing research online about the signs and symptoms, possible causes, whether it is chemical imbalances, too many toxins in your body, historical problems with neglect or abuse, and many others. You will need to also know what triggers your depression, so you can figure out how you can fix it.

You also need to know what can help your depression without antidepressants. There is an abundance of websites with articles about homeopathic ways to treat the symptoms of this disease, whether it is through herbal remedies, changes in diet and exercise, and many different kinds of supplements that are cheap and effective. There are connections between serotonin, endorphins and their effectiveness of our moods. There are also big connections relating to build-up of toxins in our bodies that can affect this disease. It could mean that your body needs to have these flushed from your system, or you need to increase the amount of serotonin levels in your brain.

You also need to understand why most antidepressant medications do nothing for many who are suffering from depression. For one, many times they inhibit natural occurring chemicals in the brain that are actually beneficial. For example, there are some medications that are supposed to increase certain pleasure chemicals in the brain, so you are not feeling so down. The problem is that these drugs put too much of these chemicals into your system and tricking your brain into thinking that it doesn’t need to produce these on their own. The more you take, the more you need, and you can easily become addicted. There are many major drugs that are just not effective, and have many side-effects that totally outweigh any so called benefits.

You can beat your depression without antidepressant medications. You need to change your diet and sleeping habits. Cutting down on stimulants like coffee, soda, cigarettes, and other recreational drugs can greatly improve your overall well being. They may give you a ‘high’ for a short period of time, but in the end, they can have a more adverse effect when they wear off. Avoiding the abuse of alcohol can greatly affect and improve depressive moods. Alcohol has a tendency to make small problems into larger ones for no reason at all.

There are an abundance of self help techniques you can also use to beat your depression. Some of these are through self hypnosis, deep breathing exercises, as well as many forms of meditation. Simply having the courage to forgive yourself, and those who have wronged you, can go a long way to improve your mood. You can do this through counseling, and in many cases, you can get help at a low cost, and sometimes free. There are many CDs and books available online that can help you with self hypnosis, and there are even websites that offer some of these methods for free.

You can beat your depression, and while it is not a quick get healthy method, the benefits far outweigh antidepressants. If you are thinking about what you can do, then you have taken the first steps on your road to recovery. In the end you will see, not only will you get and feel better, others around you will feel better that they have their friend or family member back in their lives.