Bed And Breakfast Scheme in Delhi, India

Bed And Breakfast Scheme in Delhi, India

Delhi, the capital of India is located on the banks of river Yamuna. From time immemorial, it has had its share of travelers and revelers. Due to recent economic upturn and the growth of the Indian economy, there has been a steady increase in business tourism and therefore there is a dearth of decent accommodation in Delhi.

The Delhi Government estimates a shortage of approximately 30,000 rooms for visitors for the Common Wealth Games 2010, therefore the Union Ministry of Tourism has launched the Bed and Breakfast Scheme. The features of this Bed and breakfast scheme are that the Government requires home owners to provide additional rooms for use as a bed and breakfast accommodation in their private residences. The Delhi Government offers the home owners a grading system depending on the facilities made available. The license to open a Bed and Breakfast is given after police verification and grading is complete. Currently the Bed and Breakfast are graded into Silver and Gold Category. The home owners who are willing to augment their income and provide their extra rooms for tourists can avail of this facility. The tourist stays in the owner’s house and learns the customs and culture of the country and therefore takes back with him rich memories and experiences, which cannot be gained from staying in a hotel.

The owner augments his income and gets to meet new people from different culture and background and the tourist gets to experience the lifestyle and culture of other nationalities. This is best suited to families who want to stay and see/explore how other cultures/ nationalities live and to gain an insight into the cultural heritage of that country.