Benefit Auctioneer Qualities – Number 4 Style

Benefit Auctioneer Qualities – Number 4 Style

There are many auctioneers out there. What makes them all different? A professional benefit auctioneer is going to have his own style, his own way of doing things that conveys his attitude. The way guests at a benefit auction perceive him is very dependent on his style. You are making him a spokesperson for your nonprofit organization; make sure he represents you well.


The professional benefit auctioneer is an entertainer, and should look and dress the part. Even a livestock auctioneer, selling in a dusty barn full of stinky cows, should look like a professional — in boots and a cowboy hat, of course. The audience has an expectation to go with every auction specialty and benefit auctions are no exception. Benefit auctions are an event not just a sale and the guests are there for a fun night out.

It takes personality to be a successful benefit auctioneer. He must be gracious and treat the guests like royalty, showing his gratefulness for their contributions.  He makes people laugh but takes the event seriously. Everyone present can tell that he has class and charisma. He is outgoing and makes it a goal to meet each person in the room. Because of his magnetic personality, he draws people to him. Just like in elementary school, where he may have been a class clown, he is the popular one. Most auctioneers have an effortless showmanship that just comes naturally.

The professional benefit auctioneer must be knowledgeable about many things, from the items donated at a charity event to the nonprofit organization’s cause. Through his experiences, he is exposed to many different areas of knowledge. “It is only an auctioneer who can equally and impartially admire all schools of art.” – Oscar Wilde. Most auctioneers love meeting people from all walks of life. 

In my last four articles, I gave four important characteristics of a successful auctioneer:

  • Speaker
  • Salesman
  • Skill
  • Style 

When picking out the auctioneer for your benefit and charity event, consider these qualities to help you pick the best one. You will know him when you see him!