Benefits of Limu and Fucoidan

Benefits of Limu and Fucoidan

There is a unique superfood so powerful, so nutrient rich

and so full of disease fighting and immune building

properties, that it is drawing the attention of the medical

community and the mass media.

This sea vegetable, which is in the brown seaweed family,

known as Limu Moui, is harvested in the South Pacific

pristine waters of the Tongan Islands. It is being

researched and published like crazy in major medical

journals and on a US government site at pubmed, because of

it’s active ingredient Fucoidan.

Limu is very rich in immune supporting nutrients such as

glyconutrients, fucoidan, amino acids, polyphenols, vitamins

and minerals, and essential fatty acids, just to name a few.

How can this wonder nutrient benefit you?

Researchers have found that fucoidan has amazing

anti-inflammatory and cancer killing qualities. This amazing

superfood can benefit anyone with health challenges. One of

the benefits of fucoidan is that it boosts the immune system

as well as protect the cells.

There are a few fucoidan products on the market today, however, it is

important to mention that there is only one company that uses

a chemical free extraction process that took 15 years to perfect.

Because of this extraction process, the fucoidan is left untouched and all

the nutrients intact. This extraction process allows for the highest concentration

of fucoidan.

There are currently over 700 independent research studies on

Fucoidan. It is also getting a lot of public exposure by

all the major news channels.

Because Limu has not been evaluated by the FDA, no claims

can be made about it’s ability to heal or cure any disease.

We do know that when fed correctly and nourished, the body

can respond in amazing ways.