Best Social Bookmarking Websites for Businesses

Best Social Bookmarking Websites for Businesses

Social Bookmarking is an important tool which can help people in finding their content on the internet without looking for it all over. It is also a very powerful tool which business owners use for building backlinks to their websites.

This article talks about some of the best websites for social bookmarking which business owners can use. Before the list of websites begins, it is better to discuss some key points regarding the usage of social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking websites can be used for several purposes like:

• Creating profiles and filling them in.

• Through social bookmarking, you can share any good content you find on the internet

• You can also share your own content

• You can make friends through a large number of existing communities

There are a large number of social bookmarking websites available online. The basic concept remains the same but the topics and communities vary from website to website.

• Digg

Digg is the biggest social bookmarking platform online. The communities found on this platform are more tech-oriented. You can submit content related to a large number of other topics. You can still have a possibility of making it to the front page of the site.

• Reddit

Another social bookmarking site has been erratic in terms of success irrespective of the fact, it is one of the biggest and has serious amount of traffic.

• Delicious

Delicious can be referred to as a tagging website more than a bookmarking site. It is another fantastic platform for building backlinks or driving traffic to your webpage.

• Yahoo Buzz

Yahoo Buzz is an offering by Yahoo Inc. it takes advantage of the huge yahoo community. If you manage to reach the front page of this website, you can drive huge amounts of traffic to your page.

• StumbleUpon

This website is as unique as its name. it helps users “stumble upon” random content on the web which is related to the subject of their choice. For business owners, this is a platform for you to share information so that others can stumble upon it.

• Mixx

Mixx is not a website that has received a lot of limelight. But it is still a nice website where you can submit content. You can also be a part of the communities if you want to direct visitors to come to your website.

• Slashdot

Slashdot saw better days and is now dipping in popularity. This website still commands a special place in the list of social bookmarking websites. It also has a community of loyal followers.

• Newsvine

Newsvine is a great website for people who write news related content. If you have some information which is worth a bit of PR, this platform is a perfect place for you to submit it.