Bitumen Suppliers – Ideas to Find Good Ones

Bitumen Suppliers – Ideas to Find Good Ones

Bitumen is readily available and as such you can find ample amount of bitumen in stock which is available for sale. Most persons who are searching for bitumen sellers will quickly perform a search at google. I am not saying that this is not a good way to buy bitumen or find its suppliers, but you can not compare this system with buying from a company where bitumen is in stock waiting for a buyer. Most persons who claim to be bitumen sellers found online are not reliable. These so-called sellers are nothing but facilitators and brokers. Some may be long chain of intermediary brokers acting as sellers. When you work with long chain of intermediary brokers who are acting as sellers, I do not need to tell you the consequences of working with this set of people. Waste of time, loss of money and loss of reputation can be experienced from this set of people.

End sellers of bitumen do not make themselves known on the internet. It is because they do not get genuine offers from buyers who may never know their end-seller. You can find facilitators either short or long chain of intermediary brokers at alibaba, tradeboss, ecplaza, fuzing, spaintrader etc. These are simply business to business directories which claim to house manufacturers, producers, exporters, distributors and suppliers of petroleum asphalt. Anyone can visit this site and sign up acting as a seller. They have no authenticated system of verifying their sellers to determine if they have end sellers with the product or not.

My advice for getting genuine bitumen sellers for sale is to deal with end seller. I know it is extremely hard to find end sellers, but they are available. When I mean end sellers, I mean companies that manufacturer bitumen themselves, thus they do not buy and resell and they are also not representatives etc. A few of end sellers of bitumen are Vitol, Glencore, Gunvor, and Bulgarneft etc.