Brett Favre Lands On Top Spot – On NFL Network’s Diva List

Brett Favre Lands On Top Spot – On NFL Network’s Diva List

Is Brett Favre, and the man he is unto himself a diva?

Let’s give that some ‘Out of the Box Thought’; So what is Favre unto himself?

Fashionable Favre – No,

Blingy Favre – No,

Flashy Favre – No,

Down-to Earth Favre – If you’ve ever seen him interviewed than – Yes,

Mater-of-fact Favre – Same thing goes – Yes,

True to the moment Favre – Again – Yes,

Change his mind Favre – Yes,

Great Footballer Favre – Yes,

Gunslinger Favre – Yes,

Iron-man Favre – Yes,

Hyped Favre – Yes,

Flamboyant Favre – No.

Diva Favre -??

All of the above are things that are about Favre unto himself except one; Hyped Favre. Hype is something that manifests in the world around someone or something.

I saw on the NFL network that Favre was the #1 diva of NFL history. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a person a diva because of the way they project them self to the world around them?

Is there anything about the way Brett Favre projects himself to the world that would set him up to be a diva? Diva’s are flamboyant, blingy, fashionable, flashy, flighty, showy, aloof people; right? It doesn’t really sound like Brett Favre. And yet, he is considered the #1 diva of all time in the NFL.

So what is it that has manifested Favre to the status of #1 Diva? It’s simple; Favre doesn’t roll with the NFL establishment; he rolls unto himself; true-to-himself Favre and true-to-the-moment Favre. The NFL establishment says, ‘Fade away when we want you to fade away’. And when a player retires, he is to stay retired.

And we all know Brett Favre didn’t play by those rules. In fact, he skated around those rules like they weren’t even there.

I think you could safely say this rubbed the NFL establishment the wrong way.

And then when the NFL Estab. (in the form of the GM of the Packers) tried to persuade the ‘Iron-man’ to stay retired (by way of a large payoff), he declined, came out of retirement, and took a deal with the Jets.

Consider this; It takes a lot more guts to come out of retirement than it does to stay retired. If you stay retired it’s safe and sound. If you come out of retirement than you’re putting yourself out on the limb.

And, guess what, there’s a lot of establishment zombies out there shaking the limb to try to make you fall; and they are quick to jump at the opportunity to point out the mistakes you make!

Gutsy Favre – Yes!!!!

I’m going to call it the way I see it!

Brett Favre has been proclaimed a diva by the mindless, un-insightful, Establishment-Stupid talking heads of the sports media!!!

But us that have the insight to know Brett Favre don’t buy it; don’t buy it at all!!!

If fact, we welcome the ‘IRONMAN’ to come out of retirement again.

Brett, if you still want to play football, focus on the game and play.

Let boy/man Favre fling that football up and down the field.

Footnote: (Establishment-Stupid or Estab. zombies are those who roll with the estab. without thinking for themselves).

THE END (or is it?)