Buxton Palm Wallet Review

Buxton Palm Wallet Review

The Buxton Palm Wallet was not something I was even looking to get but since I received one for a holiday gift you know I have to throw my two cents on this product. The fact that it’s an organizer wallet is in itself pretty cool but although I have plenty of junk in my wallet, I’m not one that really needs to be organized. I carry very little in the way of credit cards, cash or photos so this product isn’t for everyone.

However, if you need to be a little more organized in the wallet department, these Buxton palm sized wallets are pretty awesome. The design is clever but by no means revolutionary. You can pack in a ton of stuff and consequently get to it very easily. My favorite feature is the ability to carry change inside which is pretty rare in a man’s wallet.

Speaking of men’s wallets, I can’t be sure that the buxton will serve men all that well because when you get right down to it, it is pretty bulky. You’ll definitely feel its presence in your back pocket and it will require a lot of getting used to. If you’re a guy who needs to carry a load of nonsense with you, and many of us do, then it will be quite useful.

Now my assessment of the product as a bit bulky for the average guy has no relationship to how awesome it is for women. If make use of all the Buxton’s cargo space I guarantee you’ll be able to cram all the stuff from your current wallet and plenty more into a neat and organized space. Getting things in and out is very easy if you assign places for similar items. It’s really a fascinating little item for those who need to be organized.

I’m no expert in women’s wallets but the Buxton Palm Wallet appears to be much smaller than the full sized wallets I see many women carry and its size should allow for more room inside most handbags. That in itself is a pretty compelling feature.

The fact that it’s a Buxton should calm any fears that it’s made of junk and won’t last very long. It really does appear to genuine leather and pretty well made as far as I can tell. Having said all this, I doubt my palm wallet and I will spend much time together because like I said earlier I just don’t have a lot of things in my wallet as it stands right now and don’t plan on changing that habit any time soon.

Judging by the success of the earlier Buxton Cell Phone Wallet and its pricing online, I have a feeling we’ll being seeing a lot more of the Palm in the coming months so keep your eyes peeled.