Can Free Websites Bring Massive Targeted Website Traffic?

Can Free Websites Bring Massive Targeted Website Traffic?

When I was a young officer, just learning the ropes in the Navy, I would often miss clues being literally handed to me by more experienced leaders.  I think you know what I am talking about.  Almost everywhere, the “salty sailors” are eager to share their expertise.

I feel certain an expert, or very knowledgeable person on some topic you have a passion for has provided you great hints.  Only you are too skeptical of what your being told, and you don’t even try it.

Believe it or not, I was this way about getting targeted website traffic using sites like Squidoo, Hub Pages, Weebly, Wet Paint and others.  So many ebooks and programs being dropped in my targeted traffic planning path, and I ignored them all.

How ’bout you?  Have you started using these “hub” sites to generate blog traffic?  These sites are the SEO gods dream come true.  Here’s why:

1.They are completely free!  Did you hear me?  Completely free!  Just takes a little time.  There are few ways to get highly targeted traffic without paying a red cent.  This is definitely one of the real winners.

2.They are extremely easy to set up.  EASY – SIMPLE – yes, anyone can do it!  You don’t have to have any technical knowledge.  This can be done by anyone that can type on a computer.  You don’t have to know HTML or any other form of webpage language.  Yes, you really can do this.

3.They are high powered link juice! What’s link juice?  It is the search engine traffic value you get passed from a high website traffic site to your site from the links you embed in your free web page. 

Because of their high volume internet traffic, these sites are Google spider bait.  And, because of this, just having a simple Squidoo lens with links and anchor text back to your site passes on real, high quality links to your site that are vital to your search engine traffic flow.

What do you do about it?  It’s really so easy you won’t believe it.  Just make ten of these sites for your blog.  Pick five important keyword phrases you use in your niche blog.  Create two “hub” sites for each keyword phrase.  Embed links in the pages with the appropriate anchor text and link back to your site.  On “hub” sites that allow you to embed your RSS feed – do it!

Then bookmark your “hubs” and ping there feeds.

Did you get all that?  Certainly you did.  If you do this, your targeted traffic for the keyword phrases will grow.  Your search engine rankings will rise and increase your search engine traffic, and you will create a completely free network of targeted website traffic.

So start your targeted blog traffic hubs now!