Can I Get My Ex Back in a Hopeless Situation? – Your Very First Step

Can I Get My Ex Back in a Hopeless Situation? – Your Very First Step

Getting an ex back is possible even in the most hopeless situation. However, you have to do the right things and avoid all the most common mistakes. Making those mistakes can push your ex further and further away without you knowing it.

Look at it this way. There are couples who do get back together even in the most ridiculous situation. Even some cheaters can get their ex back. Therefore, there is no hopeless situation. A lot of times, it really depend on what you say and what you do that make the difference. In this article, we will just look at the first step you need to take.

First, do you think your situation is hopeless? Why do you think so. Is it because your ex is avoiding you? Is it because he/she is not returning your phone call? Well, here is your first step,

First, if you have been calling your ex over and over again, it is time to stop immediately. You cannot call an ex too many times a day. This will only make your ex feel more irritated. In fact, he/she will see you as someone who is desperate. Desperation is definitely not attractive.

Next, you need to start cutting off contact with your ex. Don’t worry, it is just temporary. Only for a period of about one month. This is really the first step you need to take if he/she has been avoiding you and you have been contacting him/her all this while.

There are some very good reasons why you should cut off all contact.

First, if you have been pestering him/her, the fact that you suddenly stop calling will make him/her curious. He/she may start wondering about you. In a sense, you now become more mysterious to them, which is a good thing.

Second, by cutting all contact, you have the time to settle down. You are probably quite emotional now. You won’t be able to win back your ex if you can’t handle your own emotion. So, take this break as a good opportunity for you to recover from your break up pain.

Third, you are also showing that you respect your ex and that he/she also deserve to have his time and space.

Fourth, by cutting off contact with your ex, you are giving him/her the opportunity to start missing you. You cannot miss someone if he/she keeps on calling you everyday. Therefore, you need to do the opposite of calling everyday, which is not to call at all.