Catering A Thanksgiving Dinner

Catering A Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is something that many of us look forward to each year. In Canada it falls on the third Monday of October and in the United States it’s the fourth Thursday of November. Both celebrations center on big meal, usually with a turkey and all the trimmings which can be time consuming to prepare for, let alone actually cook.

We are all busy these days, and luckily we can get big dinners like Thanksgiving and Christmas catered so we can sit back, relax and actually enjoy the day rather than rush around getting everything prepared, stressing that nothing is forgotten and being stuck in the kitchen for hours on end while everyone else is having a great day.

Now you may think catering Thanksgiving is very expensive but in fact, it’s not. If you go to the grocery store, chances are you will end up buying things that you just don’t need or won’t use. Heck, it was on sale, so why not? Well, that just ups the bill at the end of the day. If you cater, you simply make a menu, pick and choose what you know everyone will like and then allow someone else to do the guesswork and preparation.

There are some caterers who will deliver the food in the morning so all you have to do is heat it up come dinner time. This also allows you to use your own dishes if you so desire to make it a more family oriented and home-made affair though without all the stress associated with actually doing the work.

Caterers don’t just bring the food to your house, you can choose to rent a hall if you have a lot of family and they can even make the work place festive by catering a lunch to get everyone into the spirit of the season. The essence of catering is the fact that one person isn’t left with the majority of the work to get a great dinner on the table, instead you get a great dinner but you get it your way.

If your family really likes a dish that isn’t on the caterer’s menu, you can ask them to make it or even make it yourself to add to the other food, it’s all up to you. Perhaps you only need them to prepare a turkey or maybe they will be entrusted with the whole meal, whatever the deal, they can make it work and allow you to enjoy your family!