Celebrity Booking Fees

Celebrity Booking Fees

Private bookings make up a nice portion of celebrity gigs these days. Private bookings can come from corporations, associations, wealthy individuals and more. Celebrities like doing these private engagements as it relieves them of having to rely on ticket sales to the general public. The gigs are also very accommodating to the celebrity from travel to meals and are usually laid back. Celebrities are often booked to celebrate an event such as a birthday, holiday party, but they are booked just as much if not more to entertain a corporation’s clients or employees at their annual party. This helps boost employee morale or enhance their bond with their customers.

Below is a list of what some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood make for a private engagement. Remember, these fees do not include travel, production costs, and other rider requirements. These fees are just what the celebrity is paid to perform. The buyer is responsible for covering all other costs associated with bringing the entertainer to their event.

Prices fluctuate a bit due to career swings, location of the event, date and other details.

– Carrie Underwood – $150,000 to $250,000

– Cher – $1.5 million

– Hall and Oates – $150,000

– Tina Turner – $2 million

– The Beach Boys – $200,000

– The Who – $2 million

– Kelly Clarkson – $300,000 to $400,000

– Larry the Cable Guy – $300,000

– James Blunt – $250,000

– Mariah Carey – $1 million

– Usher – $1 million

– 50 Cent – $600,000 to $700,000

– Michael Buble – $300,000 to $400,000

– Carrott Top – $75,000 to $100,000

– Bon Jovi – $1 million

– Lionel Richie – $250,000 to $300,000

– Rod Stewart – $600,000 to $700,000