Chiropractic Twitter Marketing – How Twitter Can Help Your Chiropractic Practice

Chiropractic Twitter Marketing – How Twitter Can Help Your Chiropractic Practice

Twitter and social media in general is all the rage right now for service-based professionals to build a large local or national following.

As a chiropractor, it is certainly true that social media and twitter can help you build a lucrative practice, but only if you keep a few key principles in mind. I have found these points to be essential to leveraging sites such as twitter effectively; otherwise the inevitable outcome is that the doctor feels like they are wasting their time.

Here are the top 4 twitter chiropractic marketing tips to keep in mind:

1. Delegate mundane tasks-– Use a virtual assistant or an automated software tool to build your twitter following. It is not a wise use of your time to sit behind the computer spending hours following people on twitter. You still want to spend time on twitter networking and building relationships, just don’t waste your time doing things that can be done in an automated fashion.

2. Be consistent and systematic– To see results on twitter, you need to follow at least 3-500 people every day, knowing that about 30% of the people you follow will follow you back. Don’t just hop on twitter once a week expecting great results; use it every day to build your network.

3. Be targeted in who you follow-– You want to follow people in your local area primarily. To do this, go to This is how you can get a lot of exposure in your local area.

4. Be generous and offer value– I can’t say this enough: Social media is NOT a platform where you go to sell your services in the traditional sense. You can’t pitch your practice to people on twitter and expect people to flock through your doors. You need to show people that you are interested in them by offering them value and connecting with their needs.

Twitter marketing for chiropractors is a big subject, but these tips should help you make this site much more effective for your marketing efforts.