Christian Life Destiny Book Review – The 3 Most Important Things In Your Life

Christian Life Destiny Book Review – The 3 Most Important Things In Your Life

By: Dr. Mike Murdock

ISBN 1-56394-078-7

Book Price: $10.00

Dynamic wisdom expert in tremendous demand

Dr. Mike Murdock is in tremendous demand as a dynamic speaker. More than 17,000 audiences in over 100 countries have attended his conventions. He has written over 250 books, including many best sellers, and thousands view his weekly television program. Many attend his schools of wisdom that he hosts in major cities.

The Spirit, the Assignment & the Seed

In 3 sections Dr. Murdock shares 31 chapters about 3 of the most important things in life. He covers The Holy Spirit as a person (Ch. 1), author of God’s Word (Ch. 3), source of joy (Ch. 4); our Assignment as problem solvers (Ch. 11), an obsession (Ch. 20); our Seed given an assignment (Ch. 22), bringing expected return (Ch. 29), & more.

Truth sets people free

Mike Murdock communicates in a passionate, persuasive and confrontational manner. His style cuts precisely to root issues to release truth. This is seen in his words about the Holy Spirit, as, “… The Holy Spirit is not an attitude, atmosphere or environment. He is a Person who talks, thinks, plans and is incredibly brilliant and articulate.”

It is clearly evident that Dr. Murdock’s central focus is to help readers embrace truth that will set them free; he shares, “The Holy Spirit is a Person. When you embrace this truth, your Christian experience will change dramatically, instantly and satisfy every part of your heart and life.” What we receive as truth determines our life.

Dr. Mike employs encouraging statements to open readers to receive directives that will create greater life freedom. His discussion about our life’s assignment is evidence of this as he indicates, “You see, each one of us is a solution.” And, “The Word of God is the blueprint for your assignment and must become your daily focus.”

In some cases, Dr. Murdock is blunt with his directions. This has the ability to confront a reader’s resistance, apathy, etc. This is seen during a discourse on discovering seeds that we already possess to take us forward in life. Dr. Mike shares, “Certainly you must inventory your needs. But it is more important to inventory your Seeds. Stop focusing on what you do not have, and look closer at something you already have been given.” Future is in a seed.

The 3 most important things explained

Dr. Mike Murdock explains the 3 most important things in life, the Holy Spirit, our Assignment and our Seed.

Success Step: List the 3 most important things in life and how you will embrace each one in your life more fully.