Christians and Porn: Pornography Is a Growing Problem in the Church

Christians and Porn: Pornography Is a Growing Problem in the Church

Christians and porn seem like terms that should not go together. But, increasingly Christians are watching more porn than ever. Porn is affecting Christians almost as much as non-Christians.

Overall, 47% of Christians indicate that pornography is a problem in the home. A recent survey taken of men attending a Promise Keepers event show that 53% of the men had viewed porn within the week of the convention. A 2003 survey in Today’s Christian Woman found that one our of six Christian women struggle with pornography. A Christianity Today survey indicated that 37% of pastors admit that pornography is currently a struggle.

Although men are enticed by visual images, women often prefer conversations, at least at the beginning. And, cyber-sex chat rooms are one way women begin their journey to pornography. But, both men and women are frequent visitors to porn sites. Estimates are that about a third of all porn site visitors are women.

You Can’t Watch Just Once

The problem with watching just a little porn is that you soon become addicted. Your brain begins to associate porn with pleasure and enjoyment. Your neurotransmitters like dopamine produce strong desires or urges that compel you to watch porn when you are in need of some comfort or enjoyment. Hormones like oxytocin are released during the emotional excitement of watching porn and help to emotionally bond you to the actors and actresses you see on your screen. Some have described watching porn as having an effect more intense than crack cocaine. Addiction can happen quickly.

Once addicted to watching Internet porn, it is hard to break away. The variety of skits and the ever changing array of actors and actresses keep you watching, always wanting to see what’s next. So, while you intended to watch for only 15 minutes, you’re still watching after 2 or 3 hours.

Modern surveys indicate that two-thirds of men and nearly half of women consider pornography a valid sexual expression. But, as most Christians should know, adultery and fornication are wrong. And, further, Jesus indicated that even lust in your mind or heart for someone outside of marriage is sinful. So, there is no doubt that Christians should think that the strong emotions and desires that arise while watching porn on the Internet are equivalent to sinful lust.

And, it’s a fact that most Christians feel very bad about watching porn. They usually want to hide the fact that they are spending so much time at Internet porn sites. To cover up this sin they act the part of strong, reliable, upstanding Christians. They appear as if they have no problems on the outside. Even so, they are seething masses of guilt on the inside.

This guilt causes them to feel even worse about themselves. They feel a need to do something to feel better about their condition, so they often watch even more Internet porn. They thus descend ever deeper into the cycle of guilt, depression and porn watching.

There is Good News for Christians Addicted to Porn

But, there is still good news. Christians addicted to Internet porn need to know that God understands addictions. All kinds of addictions. Even addiction to pornography. And, God can forgive you for your pornography use.

But, even with forgiveness, Christians still need to battle the addiction. Even the Apostle Paul saw something within himself that he was battling. He wrote, “For I don’t know what I am doing. For I don’t practice what I desire to do; but what I hate, that I do.” What better description is there of an addiction? You don’t want to watch more porn, but the hormones and neurotransmitters almost compel you to do so.

Paul finally tells us about our hope with these words, “What a wretched man I am! Who will deliver me out of the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!”