Christ’s Return – Get Prepared Through Celebrating the Jewish Feasts

Christ’s Return – Get Prepared Through Celebrating the Jewish Feasts

Many of us are longing for the day of Christ’s return, but have we made ourselves ready? Has the Church been made the spotless bride? We are suggesting that a powerful way to get prepared is through aligning with God’s Biblical calendar, and celebrating His appointed feasts. Before we go deeper into the celebration aspect, we must look at the most urgent areas of immediate need to make ourselves ready:

1) Christians must acknowledge the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Jesus instructs us in John 4:24 that we “MUST worship in Spirit and in truth.”

2) We must walk by faith and do what Jesus told Jairus in Mark 5:36:”Do not be afraid, but ONLY believe.” Indeed, without faith it is impossible to please Him.

3) We must stay focused on what our purpose is in Christ and walk in the authority Christ has given His body. In summary, we are to be overcoming sons and daughters in Christ, walking in His power and love, and making disciples of all the nations.

4) When we celebrate God’s ordained times of gathering, and remember His goodness, we are truly honoring Him. What we do in blessing our Creator should outshine every worldly party. The appointed feasts occur throughout the year and signify times of repentance, harvest, visitation, renewal, and communion.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking the Jewish feasts have no meaning for Christians. If you think Christians are not of Jewish heritage, read Galatians 3:29 – “And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

The feasts are not to be forgotten just because they are prescribed in the Old Testament. The Hebrews 8:10 passage ties in His Holy commands with the New Covenant ushered in by Christ: “I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”

Let us examine ourselves closely to see what we can do to properly prepare for Christ’s return.

Are we being led by Holy Spirit? Will He find faith on His return? Are we being good stewards of the authority He entrusted to us? Are we true worshippers?

Remember the wise virgins who had their vessels filled with oil. Let our cry of worship be heard throughout the land. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him; and make ourselves ready!