CityVille Unhappy Citizens – Why Are They Unhappy And What To Do About It?

CityVille Unhappy Citizens – Why Are They Unhappy And What To Do About It?

Do you have CityVille unhappy citizens? Do you know why they are unhappy? What can you do about it – can you make them turn happy again? Does it even matter anyway? All these questions are answered below.

Why Are My Citizens Unhappy/Sad?

In simple terms, when your citizens are unhappy (sad smiley face showing) then it means that your city is overcrowded and you are too close to your population limit.

Just like real people, CityVille citizens need enough space to lead a happy life. They don’t like it when there are too many people in a city with homes and businesses and community buildings that are over capacity.

Up to 90% of your limit is OK. More than that will lead to unhappy citizens.

Some people also say that having more decorations can make your citizens more happy though I have not personally found this to be the case.

How To Expand My Population Limit?

You can do this by buying more community buildings. Each community building added will increase your population limit.

It is not just a matter of coins. You will also have to hire people to fill the positions in your building. You can hire your friends which is another reason to make new neighbors in this game. Otherwise, you will have to spend cash to hire people which is something that you definitely want to avoid.

The best community building in terms of efficient use of your coins is the Emergency Clinic though you need to reach Level 10 to access it.

What If I Don’t Do Anything? Is It Bad To Have Unhappy CityVille Citizens?

It does not appear that having unhappy citizens has any negative effect on your game. You should think of it more as a gentle reminder to expand your city because it is reaching capacity.