Content Is King But Ease Is Queen – Tips for Creation of Your Own Free Website

Content Is King But Ease Is Queen – Tips for Creation of Your Own Free Website

Making a personal free website is generally easy, simply because many free website hosts offer templates and software to help ease the process along. Most experts say that to create a website that is successful you need to have interesting content related to the website’s theme so that visitors can find your site that might think it worth spending their time reading. Did you know that in most cases, a website that is just tossed together will often times have less success over one that is planned carefully? It is true, you need to pay as much attention to ease of use as you do to look and subject matter.

The first thing to look at for making things easy to use on your webpage is organization. Make the topics you cover have some logical format so that readers can locate what they are looking for. By same token, your website should have a clear, consistent navigation format, so that people looking for or scrolling through your site can find what they need. This navigation should include a “home” button (even if the logo takes you back home, include a home button) and a menu bar. If your pages will require visitors to scroll far down to read all of the content, make sure you add a lower menu so readers do not have to scroll back up to the navigation bar.

If you have ever visited a site with a splash page and an “enter site” link you know how annoying it is to have to navigate past it. Extra clicks on links will not raise your listings for searches, so there is no reason to have a splash page at all (Unless your content is of adult nature and you need to provide a warning for legal purposes). Reduce the clicks between your content and the visitor by removing these wasted pages. Your site should have at least 400 quality words per page, but do not make them too long either. Try to make your maximum length for any page 7 screens long.

One final thing to keep in mind when you create a website are the drawbacks to using frames. Frames are a good way to standardize your website, however in so doing, you lose individual web addresses for each article or block of information. Additionally when those webpages do show on a search, the person taking the link to the article never sees the frame that is needed to navigate through the site.