Content Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs: Article Writing

Content Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs: Article Writing

Although sites that offer video and image content are more popular these days than sites that offer written content, that doesn't mean that written content isn't an effective way to market your business. Sites like Craigslist (a free classified ads site) have flourished in spite of being plain because they fulfill a need for those who use them.

The important thing to remember here is that your potential customers consume content in different ways. The best way to help your potential customers and show them how you can help them to solve their problems is to create your content and then offer it in different formats based on your audience.

Article writing can give you a solid base for creating this content. It only takes a good 400 to 500 word article to communicate your message and get your audience to want to learn more about what you do and how you can help them. Once you write that article, then you can convert that content into other formats that will help your audience consume that content.

To get started, you need to decide what topic you will write about. Once you have chosen your topic, then the next step is to do keyword research so that you can choose keywords that your searchers are searching for. Focus on writing good content. Although including your keywords in your title, article and tags are important, you want to make sure that you offer content that is helpful for your potential customers.

One way that makes it really easy to write articles, and you will find these articles to be quite popular, is to create lists. Readers love lists because lists are easy to read and implement. Tips are a quite popular form of list articles because tips will help you to show your readers how you can solve their problems without giving away all your information.

Once you have written an article, then you want to sign up for several high traffic article writing sites. Some of the top places to submit your articles include HubPages and EzineArticles. Personally, I like EzineArticles because they offer so much to help you with article writing including a blog, a course on article writing and a tool where you post your article that will help you generate better article titles. You may also create a complete profile that will allow you to promote your books as well as share your websites and demonstrate your expertise. Take advantage of profiles on the article sites you market on because this helps you to establish credibility.

When creating your profiles, make sure you use your real name. Include a picture and use all the space for writing and posting your profile. The more information you include, the better the ability you have to show others what you can do and how you can solve their problems. Potential customers don't come to you because they want to buy something. They come to you because they are looking for a solution to their problems. Provide a solution, and you will make the sale.

To get the most from your article writing efforts, recycle your content into different formats. Submit on a regular basis to the different article directories to help you build an audience.