Costa Rica’s Booming Ecotourism Stems From Variety

Costa Rica’s Booming Ecotourism Stems From Variety

Costa Rica’s unique ecosystem is a direct result of it’s drastic elevation changes from the central mountain ridge that peaks over 12,000 feet to the sea-level coast. On the Pacific side, this drop is so immediate that it is not unusual to witness a 6,000 foot cliff plummeting into the ocean over a lateral distance of less than half a mile.

This wide variety of elevation combined with other growth-optimizing factors such as steady seasonal rains, no cold weather, and fertile volcanic soil and it is no wonder that there are over 3,000 different tree species in Costa Rica. Compare that to about 750 different tree species in all the United States and Canada and it should be no surprise that ecotourism is a booming industry in Costa Rica.

There are many great options for the ecotourist in this country. For the inland adventurer there are numerous hiking, rock climbing, and zip lining opportunities throughout the country. Also the system of rivers cascading down from the peaks to the shore mean that waterfalls are everywhere in Costa Rica, and the crystal clear bathing pools into which they collect are quite a beautiful sight.

Some of the terrain that is inaccessible by vehicle can be explored on horseback. Local horseback tours are great way to explore the canopy rainforest without disturbing the wildlife on loud ATVs or dirtbikes. The canopy is chock full of wildlife from brightly feathered macaws to the intriguing pizchote (an odd blend of raccoon, anteater, and armadillo).

The coastal areas are also worth exploring for the ecotourist. Generally, SCUBA diving is not really a good idea in Costa Rica as there are very sketchy licensing ordinances to ensure that the compressed air mix is safe. Fortunately, the majority of the undersea life is clearly visible at snorkeling depths, specifically around the coral reefs. With a deep breath and a 25 foot free dive you can come face to face with hundreds of species of rare tropical fish. Also schools of dolphin, pods of whales, and sea turtles are abundant along the Pacific Coast.