CPC Certification – How to Pass the CPC Exam the 1st Time – The Ultimate CPC Study Guide

CPC Certification – How to Pass the CPC Exam the 1st Time – The Ultimate CPC Study Guide

Congratulations on completing your professional medical coder training. A career in the medical coding field is a great choice! However, to become a certified professional coder, you must now gain CPC certification by taking & passing the medical coding exam, either the (CCS-P exam) Certified Coding Specialist-Physician Based exam or the (CPC exam) Certified Professional Coder exam.

Are you starting to feel a sense of dread as the CPC certification exam date gets closer? Has your enthusiasm for taking the CPC test waned from the time you first started studying? Are you just feeling overwhelmed with it all?

The fact is the following symptoms are very common:

  • The feeling that you may not be prepared for the pass or fail exam (70% correct minimum!)
  • Managing your study time feels difficult and stressful?
  • Do you doubt you will be able to complete the CPC test in the allotted 5 and a half hours?

… are you freaking out with the thought of failing your next attempt at your CPC exam!

Well you are not alone… my name is Laureen Jandroep (CPC) and I was the same position that you are now. I remember a time when I was feeling completely overwhelmed, sitting in a hotel room going over a CPC practice exam with the CPC test hovering over me like a dark cloud just days in the future. My job was at stake. I absolutely had to pass the exam. I feel your pain, believe me!

This may be your first time taking the CPC test or perhaps you failed before and this is your second or third time around trying for your CPC certification. In either case, you may be desperate for any technique that you could use to improve your chances of passing the CPC exam. Well, I have some good news for you…Forget about exam overwhelm, I have a solution.

The CPC test really doesn’t need to be that difficult. You don’t need to stress. After all, it’s an open book exam, right? All you need is to get yourself organized and focus on the elements that are the most critical to passing the test… and don’t sweat the small stuff!

When I took the exam the cpc study guides available were just not helpful, There is an much simpler way! 12 Hours of Streaming CPC Exam Prep Videos ONLINE, available Immediately. Plus a cpc coding exam review 2011 bonus: CPC Exam Training also on DVD. I urge you to take a look for yourself, let me help you pass the exam once & for all. I promise you this is the best CPC exam prep available anywhere. You “will” pass the CPC exam & get your CPC certification.