Dandruff: What Is It and How Can I Get Rid of It?

Dandruff: What Is It and How Can I Get Rid of It?

This condition is a very common affliction affecting about 50 per cent of the population. So, if you are suffering from this condition, you are not alone. The difference between those showing it and not showing it is whether they are doing something about it or not!

What are these scales exactly? This condition is made of fragments of the scalp surface (commonly referred to as scales or flakes). This takes place when a perfectly normal ‘event’ becomes abnormal, excessive and therefore no longer manageable by the scalp natural processes. This natural ‘event’ is the cyclical renewal of the scalp skin (layers); this normally takes place about every 21 days but, when This condition occurs, it’s because this cycle is abnormally shorter (every few days) and, because of this, the skin cells have no time to mature and be eliminated normally: this excess of immature cells creates a white accumulation of ‘such cells, creating the scales you find not only on the scalp but also in your hair and on your clothes.

Why does this happen? The reason why such mechanism takes place (the abnormal cycle of scalp cell renewal) is still not clear; however, there are some factors which certainly aggravate the condition, such as: excess sebum, stress, certain foods (such as red meat for some or caffeine for some other individuals), washing one’s hair too frequently or with products which are too harsh, tiredness, excessive or abrupt climate changes.

Solutions: The most common solution is of course a treatment shampoo. Of course it does not resolve the root cause, but treatment shampoos do block the cycle of cell proliferation. You can find some really good ones and I would suggest you shop around for one which is not only high quality but also is suitable for your specific scalp condition. We love Neutrogena, but there are many others you can try. However, not everybody can use anti-scaling shampoo. For example, if you need to wash you hair with reconstructive shampoos (if your hair is damaged), you won’t be able to use a treatment shampoo. However, don’t worry; there are many other solutions.

Anti-scaling lotions. Great alternative if you can’t use the shampoos (for the reasons underlined above). You can find many types and you apply them on your scalp before going to bed, so that they have all night long to affect your scalp.

Together with any treatment you may have chosen, make sure that your comb or brush are always washed and disinfected, so that you can avoid infecting your already ultra sensitive scalp.

Of course there could be other reasons why you are suddenly suffering from this condition and, especially when it’s ‘serious’, it’s always a good idea to seek the opinion of a good dermatologist.

A whole set of highly effective natural, home-made and homeopathic solutions against this condition are explained very simply on THIS PAGE.