Dating Christians – The Rules to Live By

Dating Christians – The Rules to Live By

If you find yourself dating a Christian and you want the relationship to last, being in different religions can highly affect a relationship especially if one or the other’s life greatly relies on his or her religious beliefs and is different from yours. However, even within Christians, the outlook and approach to dating varies although it is pertinent that you understand and accept that not only do their rules of dating rely on their religious beliefs. Moreover, for a relationship to work out, you have to accept whatever a Christians beliefs are because a majority of their decisions in life are highly influenced and based on their Christianity.

Certain Restrictions Apply

As aforementioned, Christians may share a religion, but they don’t always share the same level of acceptance to the world activities such as sex before marriage and living in together. Believe it or not, sex before marriage and living in together is still frowned upon by some Christians. If you don’t share that same belief and acceptance of the Christian preaching but still want to hold on to your relationship, giving yourself a chance to understand their beliefs may give you more insights to allow you to better understand your partner and where you’re relationship is heading to.

Dating Non-Christians

If you’re unaware of the fact that Christians are taught at a very early age to not date a non-believer, then be cautious on going about and dating a Christian. Especially, if she is unaccepting to the fact of dating you because you don’t share the same religious beliefs.

Christians and the rule of responsible dating

Sharing the same interests such as sharing the love for sports and food is different from sharing the same beliefs. Dating a Christian is not just about dating for the sake of having to avoid explaining to your friends or colleagues why you’re not in a relationship because to Christians, dating is about finding if that person they are with is the one they’ll end up with in the long run. Dating is not to be taken lightly as they’ve been taught that’s why they prefer younger Christians to date much later until they are responsible enough to handle a relationship and the relationships that come along with it.

Having a Good Time

You may be a party animal 24/7 and would like to take your date out to the places you frequent to show her the real you. Hold your proverbial horses because some Christians are still keen on partying like there’s no tomorrow especially at booze parties and the likes. Also, throwing everything in about yourself, especially in the early stage of a relationship is a big no-no. Christian dating can be slightly different. For example, instead of having a night out with her in racy nightclubs, prefer to do something nice and different yet still fun such as karaoke or bowling and dinner where you can have actual conversations that will open opportunities for both of you to better know each other because that’s the main reason you’re dating.

The Family Plays a Great Deal in a Christians Life

Especially parents are regarded as an important aspect in a Christians life so don’t be taken aback if your special someone wants to you to meet their parents or family earlier than you expect. Some Christian parents are still not very open to their children dating someone from a different religion. Be patient if you want your relationship to last and be accepted by the family.

The important factor to remember in dating a Christian is that religion comes before anything else in their life. So, it follows that their decisions, actions and beliefs are based on Christianity.