Dating Outgoing Girls – How to Handle the Fun

Dating Outgoing Girls – How to Handle the Fun

Outgoing girls are probably too rare to find — and once we do we just can’t help but think we’re crazy if we won’t try to hit on them. Dating outgoing girls can prove to be quite a challenge, especially if you’re not really into the whole outgoing thing and can’t ride the tide — but heck, you’re now hooked and you definitely want to impress her until she finally gets to say yes to be on a date with you. So how do we exactly impress and star dating outgoing girls? Well, technically, they’re like other girls but they know how to have wicked fun and expect that there’s never a dull moment being with them. Below are a few tips on how to handle the fun and finally make her like you back at last:

  • Love spontaneity. Are you always stuck on a routine? Always looking at your watch, watching the time until it’s okay to take your medication? Do you always bring an umbrella and some extra shirts just in case it rains or something? Well, better try to loosen up a bit. Outgoing girls love to chill out and have fun and they can get a little comfortable when you start sharing your neat list of what-to-do.
  • Give in to impulses. She says she wants to try the strongest drink in the club — heck, why not? Sometimes, winging it has its perks and spur-of the-moment stuff usually leave us feeling so alive. Give in to impulses every once in a while. It can be totally liberating.
  • Go ahead and try something new. Be open to what she likes — chances are, she’s curious about your interests as well. Don’t presume she won’t like it — outgoing girls thrive for something new everyday. For them, life is short that’s we better to try everything now.
  • Be in control. We all want to have fun but that doesn’t mean you don’t take responsibility to your actions. Be outgoing, but not reckless. Be open for fun but don’t abuse. It’s as simple as that. Outgoing girls would be attracted to someone a little grounded — it helps them calm down. You can have some wicked fun but still remain steady and in control.
  • Be up for anything. Don’t be a worry-freak. Don’t worry too much, period. For outgoing girls, worrying is a waste of time — better savor the moment as much as you can. When you start dating outgoing girls it doesn’t mean you go ranting about your dangerous escapades and hobbies (unless they’re true). Chill, my man. Engage in a conversation for a while. And take time to laugh for Cripes’ sakes.

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