Day Trading Courses – Trading With a Moderator – The Pros and Cons

Day Trading Courses – Trading With a Moderator – The Pros and Cons

Trading With A Moderator Will Make You Learn Fast

When trading with a live trading advisory service under the supervision of a moderator, it helps increase your learning speed and trading efficiency dramatically. You will be testing your gained expertise on a multitude of markets and charts which helps consolidate your knowledge and this will give you a great feeling of confidence and a psychological boost. You will be amazed how familiar charts that you had already seen, now appear to give

so many clues about market direction, you will feel as if you were lacking an eye for detail.

The Pros

Speed: Trading with a moderator will get you many years ahead in the learning curve and will make you absorb the underlying trading system in depth.

Confidence: You feel much less stressed when you have an expert looking over your shoulder and supervising your actions, this avoids emotion-driven trading decisions that almost always result in losses.

Capital protection: With high quality trading mentoring you are almost certain to win overall and therefore it makes it easier for people to afford the time to devote to the markets and trading, as well as having existing capital, to start with when they begin their own trading alone.

The Cons

Secret indicators: Some mentored trading programs are extremely good but use proprietary indicators which the trader being mentored does not have access to or cannot understand fully, traders will achieve excellent trading results but may not be able to do just as great when trading alone in the future. Too much blind reliance is not good.

Destroys trader creativity: To an extent, mentored programs rob creativity from traders. This is not always necessary as one can always add their own opinions and market analysis, after they have mastered the techniques the program offers.

All in all, it is entirely possible to successfully combine both a mentored program and its strict moderator with your own judgment later on. The bottom line is that there are very good mentored services out there that will protect you and guide you while trading.

I would suggest not modifying the principles until at least you make a significant gain in knowledge and in your account balance. Then you will be are free to add anything that you feel could enhance the value of that trading system or in the case of obscure, proprietary indicators, replace those with whatever you find most appropriate and you think can serve just as well.

Overall It Pays

Find a mentored service that has a long history, realistic goals and provides live trading moderator help. Ideally one that has a trading system based on technical analysis and not breaking news.

A moderator can only be positive for your trading and I don’t know anyone who has been with a good service and has regretted it, in fact most of these traders remain successful in their trading long after they quit these services. Even one month mentored live trading will enormously improve your trading abilities.