Define Computer Virus

Define Computer Virus

A computer virus is a software program, script, or macro designed to infect, destroy, modify, or cause other problems with your computer or software programs. The user may protect him by using an anti-virus protection program. The anti-virus protection program designed to detect, protect, and clean any computer viruses. This is the most basic way to define a computer virus. There are tens of thousands of viruses out there with many more created on a daily basis. The protection program needs to updating on a constant basis. The computer needs updated with its running system, email and files in order to keep a completely safe PC. The normal use of any computer still puts the system at risk of being compromised by hackers unless you provide an anti-virus program for your protection along with a personal firewall.

A computer virus has been described as a parasite that intentionally will enter your PC for destroying your system, files, and any programs that you have on your system. The virus will attach itself to files or boot sectors in order to replicate itself the user is unaware of the problem and spreads the virus to others.

The hacker usually creates a virus that will not come to play until the first person receives it passes it on to their network. The problem then arises on where the virus came from, what type of virus, and what are the damages. The final definition concludes that a virus creates damages to the computer system by infecting the PC either inadvertently or deliberately. This explanation helps you to understand the difference between a computer virus and the Trojan program. The virus replicates itself while the Trojan Program does not.

“An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” That holds true with a computer virus because the damage can be so devastating that your hard drive crashes leaving you with nothing. You would need a new system and all your files destroyed. A worse case scenario being that all your personal information taken will leave you into problems that affect your financial well-being.

Many different viruses affect your PC. There are few major parts to your PC that can be affected, which destroy the system. The email account can be compromised causing you to obtain a worm that you pass to your network. The virus or worm destroys your PC along with everyone you send emails too. The next type of virus is referred too as macros this virus will affect your files, boot sectors and the email.

The fact is that macro viruses are the number one problem for internet users. The viruses are spread by shared documents and grow every time you make a new document the document to those on your network then increases the macro virus ability to travel in the web highway. The macro attacks as many users that open the document then when their system becomes infected and they create a document that one is infected. The process goes on forever until someone finds out the problem and works to get it resolved. Do not ever think by ignoring a virus that no harm will be done. The virus is an infection, which grows until it destroys all PCs that it comes in contact.