Destinies of the Rich and Famous – The Secret Numbers of Their Remarkable Lives

Destinies of the Rich and Famous – The Secret Numbers of Their Remarkable Lives

Have you ever wondered why rich and famous people are rich and famous? Is it luck? Talent? Hard work? Connections? The truth may seem unbelievable, incomprehensible, unacceptable. The fact is, unequivocally, that those individuals who are rich and famous were destined to be rich and famous from the very beginning of their lives. The blueprint of their destinies was created before they ever exited their mother’s womb.

This may seem strange but it is reality. Each of our lives is destined to the breath. As Twentieth Century Saint, Jagat Singh, states, Our present life is already determined before we are born. What destiny has planned for you will come to pass without any planning on your part. Your destiny will cause you to act and make effort according to its plan. Old age, health, poverty, richness, sickness, disease, wealth, learning, honor, dishonor and time of death are all pre-ordained while a man is in the womb of his mother, so a wise man never worries or frets or regrets anything.

Each of our destinies, whether we are rich and famous or not, is contained within the numbers and letters of our full name at birth and our birth date. These letters and numbers serve as labels for energy fields that not only comprise who we are as individuals but our path through life on a second-to-second basis. These destinies can be known with a little study via the ancient science and art of the King’s Numerology.

For example, as is commonly known, Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. His immense wealth is clearly defined in his numerology chart through a 1/22-4 numerical pattern representing the individual and entrepreneur, the “1” playing itself out in the field of the 22-4, a pattern of great wealth and power. Every second of Gates’ life from birth to death is concentrated in this 1/22-4 numeric pattern.

Oprah Winfrey’s chart reveals her great entrepreneurial success through a 1/8 numeric pattern which, like the numerology chart of Bill Gates, is also present for her entire life from cradle to grave. Winfrey also has the master communicator number 33-6 dominant in her chart as well as the master lover/artisan number, 66-3. Her unique and iconic persona is revealed through her Crown Pinnacle of a 55-1 which is generated from the number 3 — the numeric cipher governing all things media, communication, and self-image.

The tragic lives of Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana are also revealed through their “numbers.” In fact, their numerology charts are quite similar, as one would expect them to be based on the similarity of their lives.

Therefore, when we think of success, especially of those individuals who are extremely rich and globally famous, it would be wise to remember that their lives, like ours, are destined. This fact should not only give us pause, but an opportunity to delve more deeply into the mysteries and realities of life.

© Richard Andrew King, 2011