Detoxing From Marijuana

Detoxing From Marijuana

Detoxing is ridding your body of the buildup of toxins. These toxins get into your body through eating food, breathing, from the environment around you, and from taking drugs.

Detoxing from drugs involves stopping taking the drug for a start. Once you have done this, your liver and kidneys should begin to do their job…detoxification.

What are the physical symptoms of marijuana detoxing?

Many people insist that there are no physical withdrawal symptoms. This is just not true. If you have been dependent on any drug you will get some withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop using the drug. That is what dependence is all about. Whether your symptoms are a physical or psychological they are still symptoms and will make you feel uncomfortable at the very least.

It may take you longer to detox from marijuana than it would for say for alcohol, or other drugs. This is because the active chemical is stored in fat cells, from where it is much more difficult to shift.

As with most drugs, one of the major symptoms of detox is insomnia. Other symptoms include mental dreams, depression, swings in mood, loss of sex drive, and an inability to concentrate. You can also get headaches, night sweats, bouts of coughing, and even vomiting.

As with any form of drug detox, you should drink plenty of fluids. You must also eat too keep up your nutrition levels. Try not to drink coffee or tea. And definitely stay away from alcohol. You may also want to stock up on some over-the-counter remedies for headaches, insomnia, and upset stomach.