Do It Yourself Car Sales Training

Do It Yourself Car Sales Training

The conventional car sales training can only go so far when it comes to turning a novice into an automotive sales professional. It will provide the sales person with the initial methodology and the theory of selling cars professionally, but when it comes to being a true auto sales professional the responsibility of being successful lies on the shoulders of the salesman or woman.

This is not unlike any other career path in the sense that you can provide the person with the tools and the theory, but the attitude and the desire must come from the person in question. Formal car sales training can only go so far and the rest is up to the student. Therefore in order to become a great auto sales person they continue their education about selling cars by doing it themselves.

On the Job Car Sales Training

I can say without question that the most successful auto sales people took the matter into their own hands and learned how to sell cars professionally by spending time on the job. The nature of the car selling business has a way of making or breaking the want to be auto sales person. The whole idea of being paid on a commission basis has a way of making the novice car salesman either change professions or start paying attention to what goes on around the car dealership and begin their do it yourself car sales training.

Once you have learned the basic car sales training lessons the next step is to hit the lot and either starve or start selling cars. This is what separates the big talkers from the soon to be auto sales professionals. You know what they say, anybody can say that they know how to sell, but the proof is in the results. In the car business the results need to be consistent sales month in and month out.

Your Part of the Car Sales Training Process

So in order to learn, improve and refine your car sales training you need to observe what goes on in and around the dealership. By closely observing the entire process of selling a car over and over you will pick up some car sales techniques, word tracks and methods. Then pick and choose from these observations and incorporate them into your own style. There is nothing worse than a car salesman that tries to use another sales person’s technique without adjusting it to fit their particular style and personality. It is very obvious to the customer when a car salesman is using a script or word track that does not fit their personality. This is what creates a bad image in the mind of the car buyer and comes off as an insincere or sleazy salesman.

You can become a better car salesman by observing and listening to the top salesmen and sales women around the dealership. Then take what you have learned and make the adjustments so that it becomes part of you and sounds natural. This is an ongoing part of the do it yourself car sales training process that is available to anyone that wants to be a successful auto sales person.