Do X-Rated Foreplay (Enjoy Variety in Sex)

Do X-Rated Foreplay (Enjoy Variety in Sex)

Use the phenomenal power of anticipation in order to do x-rated foreplay with your woman. X-Rated foreplay is all about teasing each part of her body with extreme sexual anticipation. Using the power of anticipation requires unpredictability and excitement. When you keep the excitement alive with unpredictable variety in sex, she is much more connected to you and verbalizes her feelings through her body. Many guys begin to drool suddenly when they feel intimate with their partners. They do not understand that they can enjoy the sexual ecstasy in a wide range of ways.

There are many secret techniques that work well when it comes to generate sexual anticipation. I know that some of you tried to add anticipation during love making session. You perhaps do not know that anticipation can be started right from the beginning. The anticipation which you start right from the beginning, in order to enjoy sexual ecstasy throughout the day, can be called as x-rated anticipation.


X-Rated anticipation is all about keeping her sexual entire day, without even touching her. I know you have read several times that anticipation can be created only in foreplay sessions. So, are you surprised to know that you can keep her sexual throughout the day without touching her? Fortunately, it is entirely possible. When you keep her sexual right from the beginning, you not only create x-rated anticipation but also activate all the senses of her in sexual ways. So, how to keep her sexual right from the beginning before doing x-rated foreplay?

You can make a woman feel sexual all day by doing many things. For example, Order her to look exotic by wearing something different. You can suggest her to wear high heels, gangster’s hat, earrings and tie. These things do the magic on a woman’s sexuality. Moreover, a woman feels extremely sexual when she adopts a naughty identity. Naughty attires intensify the sexual feelings inside her and ignite all of her senses. It is not essential to buy something new. You can tell her to wear your shirt with sexy shorts. A woman feels thoroughly sexy when she wears a man’s shirt. In addition, it would be great if you gift her mistress boots. Boots not only shape the body of women in best way but also make them proud of their sexuality. So, these things not only create extreme anticipation but also add variety in sex and romance. It has been said that, when you make her feel proud of her sexuality and let her shine like a bright star, she loves being under your authority and worships you entire life.

Variety in sex, or in life, always keeps a relationship delightful and sexual. When you add sexual variety in your relationship, you become the erotic world for your woman. There are many other ways that can ignite the passion in your relationship and keep the eroticism alive. For example, if you want to keep your woman sexual, fit, sexy, hot and playful then use the power of dance. Dance is the only thing that keeps the attraction alive in many ways. It strengthens the body muscles of your woman and keeps her sexy. Also, dance improves the figure and persona of a woman. If your woman is shy then you can not only boost her confidence with the power of dance but also make her extremely sexual. Also, it is a win-win deal for you when you order her to learn dance.

Now, it is the time to roll up your sleeves and create actual anticipation. As I told earlier, there are many ways for creating x-rated anticipation and adding variety in sex. So, never limit yourself with a single manner. Apply these precious tips and keep on enjoying sexual ecstasy in your life.


Do you know what women hate about you? Women hate you if you only focus on intercourse. They need a man who can provide them variety in sexual sensations. Are you that man who can provide variety in sex with x-rated foreplay? I should also mention that x-rated foreplay is all about enjoying the sexual sensation for hours. It not only connects a woman emotionally with you but also ignites her with sexual ecstasy.

My one friend, who was an artist, always makes a woman fall in love with him instantly, in foreplay sessions. He told me that women want eroticism in foreplay sessions. If you want to do x-rated foreplay then you have to be a great receiver and great provider. In foreplay sessions, he only focuses on women’s pleasure and enjoys the warmth of women’s body for several hours. He keeps on flooding women with extreme sexual pleasures. You would be surprised to know that he loves giving extreme pleasure. That’s why, women drool all over him. His wife thinks that she is the luckiest woman on this planet. When you turn yourself into an excellent provider, you not only add variety in sex but also turn a woman into a passionate lover.