Do You Have OCD? Brainwave Entrainment Takes The Pressure Off

Do You Have OCD? Brainwave Entrainment Takes The Pressure Off

It’s all in the brain and what’s going on in there.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder isn’t something that happens to a very few. It’s very common, and if the mannerisms are chronic, you will suffer a significant amount of distress and impairment in your everyday living.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that manifests as obsessions that you just can’t seem to get rid of. After you start obsessing, you engage in compulsive actions that relate to the obsessive thoughts.

Symptoms of OCD cause a significant amount of stress and embarrassment. Because you may be ashamed of your obsessive-compulsive behaviour, you might start shutting yourself away, and your social world will start to crumble.

What Causes Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

There are some studies that indicate that the disorder may be genetic in manner. Many more studies point in the direction of chemical imbalances in the brain. Low levels of serotonin might be the precursor to obsessive-compulsive behaviour.

Any imbalance of hormones and chemicals in the brain can affect your personality and what you do.

Do You Have Some Of The Symptoms of OCD?

  • Are you always in a state of fear?
  • Is worry a big part of your life?
  • Do you feel you have to arrange things in a particular order?
  • Do you repeat prayers, mantras, certain words, over and over again, out loud or in your mind?
  • If you forget to say those words, do you worry something bad is going to happen?
  • When you eat, can different foods touch? Do you have to eat foods in a particular order?
  • Are you always washing your hands? Does the idea of germs terrify you?
  • Are you afraid you may hurt someone you care about?
  • Is your sleep disturbed because of distressing visions or dreams?
  • Are you kind of like Howie Mandel, and don’t want to touch another person’s hands?
  • Do doorknobs or doors at grocery stores disturb you, because they are covered in dirty germs?
  • Do you need assurance that everything is okay, on a regular basis?
  • Has trust in people flown out the door?
  • Do you do something many times at once before you can carry on to the next thing?
  • Do you do things over and over again throughout the day, like make your bed, or clean the toilet?
  • Have your tried to suppress your disturbing thoughts, actions, obsessions just about as often as you’ve participated in those thoughts, actions, and/or obsessions?
  • Do you have to check things over and over…like if the door is locked, before you go to bed?

Did you know that behaviour or mental acts that you do are aimed at reducing the distress that you are feeling about a situation or event? Unfortunately, it doesn’t take away the distress.

It’s like your brain is stuck.

Specially designed brainwave entrainment recordings will stimulate the parts of your brain that release serotonin, and correct the chemical imbalances.

Brainwave Entrainment Helps OCD By….

  • Releasing the neurotransmitter serotonin and balancing the brain again.
  • Improving your focus.
  • Relieving your insomnia, allowing your brain to heal.
  • Helping you overcome depression, anxiety, and addiction. Your behaviours are addictive when you are in an obsessive-compulsive state.
  • Relaxes both your mind and body.

Brainwave entrainment can help alleviate symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder by changing the brainwave frequency that is prompting the behaviour. Changing the brainwave frequency changes how the neurons fire and the messages that they are sending.

Half an hour everyday for a few months can effectively help you gain control over your compulsions and let you have your life back.